musashinino: Olson Bros bldg
musashinino: Olson Bros bldg 2
musashinino: Olson Bros closeup
musashinino: Olson Bros water tower
musashinino: Olson Bros water tower 2
musashinino: Olson Bros water tower 3
musashinino: S at the marina
musashinino: S at the marina 2
musashinino: S at the marina vert BW
musashinino: S with a pearl earring
musashinino: S at the marina 3 BW
musashinino: S at the marina 4
musashinino: seagull bW
musashinino: Dr evil at the marina
musashinino: S actually smiling (at the marina)
musashinino: S used boat sales BW
musashinino: S closeup
musashinino: S closeup BW
musashinino: Marina shore BW
musashinino: Olson Bros bldg 3
musashinino: marina closeup BW