toucanne: Donna's house 1
toucanne: Donna's house 2
toucanne: Donna's house 3
toucanne: Hostas
toucanne: Kris cutting out ACEOs
toucanne: Show prep
toucanne: Donna & Jonah
toucanne: Four friends at the restaurant
toucanne: How lobster grows out of Robin's head
toucanne: Temporary computer room
toucanne: Temporary computer room 2
toucanne: Pembroke Arts Festival site
toucanne: Setting up
toucanne: Wind in their sails...
toucanne: Kris's purse
toucanne: Kris & waterlily
toucanne: Donna & Jonah's art
toucanne: Alanah's art
toucanne: Robin & Oxalis
toucanne: Donna & her Think Pink painting
toucanne: Pembroke Arts Festival
toucanne: Group pic
toucanne: A sampling...
toucanne: Booth interior
toucanne: Heather by the booth
toucanne: Looking up Paypal
toucanne: That’s crooked!
toucanne: Up on the hill...
toucanne: Beth & Miriam
toucanne: Westie doggie