Muppitz: Cleavage envy
Muppitz: Attempting to overcome cleavage envy
Muppitz: You only get half my attention.
Muppitz: Bartender says to the horse: Why the long face?
Muppitz: Someone should let her hair down more often
Muppitz: Eyes UP, Lo.
Muppitz: Girlies
Muppitz: Bluemoon
Muppitz: blurry
Muppitz: Ciggy Stache
Muppitz: Lo2
Muppitz: Lo3
Muppitz: Giggle twins - They actually were laughing so hard they had to sit down. Nobody slipped.
Muppitz: All right, seriously, what's the joke?
Muppitz: foureyes
Muppitz: Atm acrobat
Muppitz: ...And then played shit music you can't dance to.
Muppitz: IMG_3715
Muppitz: IMG_3725
Muppitz: IMG_3703
Muppitz: IMG_3697
Muppitz: IMG_3696