munnecket: Arriving at Airport
munnecket: At Kahana Sunset condos
munnecket: At Kahana Sunset condos
munnecket: At the sumit of the Haleakala Volcano visitors center.
munnecket: Dad and I at the summit of Haleakala Volcano
munnecket: Dad likes to stand like this when he is reading critically.
munnecket: Studying the interpretive center signs.
munnecket: Dad and I at the summit...
munnecket: The crater from the summit
munnecket: Haleakala
munnecket: Haleakala
munnecket: Haleakala
munnecket: The observatories at Halekala summit
munnecket: Haleakala crater
munnecket: Dad walking from the Visitor Center to the parking lot at the summit Haleakala
munnecket: from the 10,000 foot level on Haleakala, very cold and very windy
munnecket: Halekala summit
munnecket: Observatories on Haleakala
munnecket: Silversword bush at the summit
munnecket: Haleakal summit - like on the moon.
munnecket: Haleakala Summit
munnecket: Dad pointing out his patterns in the cloud from Haleakala
munnecket: Haleakala
munnecket: Haleakala
munnecket: Haleakala
munnecket: Coming down the mountain
munnecket: Dad calling Sydney to say hello, from the volcano
munnecket: cows on Haleakala volcano..
munnecket: Coming down the volcano
munnecket: dad on maui_R8A0858004