MunkPhotography: Kayaking unsteady conditions
MunkPhotography: Contrasts at sea
MunkPhotography: Tidal power
MunkPhotography: As seconds pass by
MunkPhotography: Car silhouette
MunkPhotography: Dramatic sky over Aarhus bay
MunkPhotography: Late afternoon at Aarhus bay
MunkPhotography: The sun rises once more
MunkPhotography: Wake up Aarhus
MunkPhotography: Kayaking before the sun rises
MunkPhotography: Feel the movement
MunkPhotography: Enjoying the ride
MunkPhotography: Waiting for summer to return
MunkPhotography: Monochrome colors of winter
MunkPhotography: Cold weathers of winter
MunkPhotography: Snow formations
MunkPhotography: Black and white world
MunkPhotography: King winters fences
MunkPhotography: Winter berries
MunkPhotography: Daytime hours are limited, but yet colorful
MunkPhotography: Cold colors of December
MunkPhotography: As cars drives by
MunkPhotography: Aarhus harbor
MunkPhotography: Colors of the night
MunkPhotography: Footpath in the night
MunkPhotography: Dies to live once more
MunkPhotography: Super moon
MunkPhotography: Super moon reflection
MunkPhotography: Large moon
MunkPhotography: World of fungi