Dan Shearn: The Author Robert Rankin
Dan Shearn: Not something you see everyday
Dan Shearn: Security was tight this year.
Dan Shearn: Vintage Flash
Dan Shearn: Why so serious?
Dan Shearn: answers on a postcard? (i dont who she was meant to be)
Dan Shearn: Spiderman (nuf said)
Dan Shearn: Rorschach
Dan Shearn: Assasin!!
Dan Shearn: The only trekie at the convention.
Dan Shearn: Madalorians
Dan Shearn: All Hail The Dalek Queen!
Dan Shearn: Convention Attendees
Dan Shearn: Lovely Kimono...(who is supposed to be?)
Dan Shearn: GIVE TO CHARITY LITTLE GIRL (to be said in a dalek voice)
Dan Shearn: These are the products we are looking for!
Dan Shearn: Centurion
Dan Shearn: Batman & Batwife?
Dan Shearn: Father & Son
Dan Shearn: If your name's not down you aint getting in!
Dan Shearn: The only Klingon in the village
Dan Shearn: Wrong so wrong
Dan Shearn: Jessica Rabbit & Wonder Woman
Dan Shearn: Dusty Bin
Dan Shearn: Darth Ironman?