Mundoo: Stanley's last sunrise
Mundoo: Stanley at Adelaide Airport
Mundoo: Samara
Mundoo: Jordan, Samara and Lakita with Stanley
Mundoo: Lakita
Mundoo: Jordan
Mundoo: Freddo and Stanley
Mundoo: Stanley sees the Murray Mouth
Mundoo: Stanley at the monument
Mundoo: Vicki and Stanley say goodbye
Mundoo: Dimi
Mundoo: Hanging around
Mundoo: Chooks
Mundoo: Stanley went to church
Mundoo: More birds
Mundoo: Ceri
Mundoo: Barging along
Mundoo: Council display
Mundoo: Hindmarsh Island bridge
Mundoo: Signal Point
Mundoo: RSL building
Mundoo: Old Railway Superintendents house
Mundoo: A paddleboat visit
Mundoo: Memorial gardens visit
Mundoo: There's some great reading there!
Mundoo: Hindmarsh Island viewed from bridge
Mundoo: Goolwa viewed from bridge
Mundoo: Goolwa viewed from bridge
Mundoo: Ferry and more strange birds
Mundoo: Hot Scones