MumblerJamie: Roma Universalis: The Emperor and Dynasty from Africa Sign
MumblerJamie: List of Exhibition Locations
MumblerJamie: Map of Exhibition Locations
MumblerJamie: Brief Explanation of Exhibition
MumblerJamie: Statue in the "Ceres" Type with a Portrait of Julia Domna ("Leptis Type")
MumblerJamie: Loricate Bust with paludamentum and Portrait of Septimius Severus (of the "Adoption" Type)
MumblerJamie: Introduction
MumblerJamie: Timeline of the Severan Age AD 192-235
MumblerJamie: Dedication of the Colony at Puteoli to Septimius Severus
MumblerJamie: The Imperial Dynasty of the Severans
MumblerJamie: Portrait of Marcus Aurelius
MumblerJamie: Portrait of Pertinax
MumblerJamie: Portrait of Septimius Sevevrus ("Serapis" Type)
MumblerJamie: Bust with paludamentum and Portrait of Caracalla ("Sole Emperor" Type) 01
MumblerJamie: Bust with paludamentum and Portrait of Caracalla ("Sole Emperor" Type) 02
MumblerJamie: Portrait of Geta as a Child ("Succession Type")
MumblerJamie: Portrait of Elagabalus (Type II)
MumblerJamie: Female Bust with Tunic and Cape and Portrait of Julia Mamaea
MumblerJamie: Bust with toga contabulata and Portrait of Alexander Severus (Type I) 01
MumblerJamie: Bust with toga contabulata and Portrait of Alexander Severus (Type I) 02
MumblerJamie: Portrait of Maximinus Thrax on a Non-Pertinent Bust in a toga contabulata
MumblerJamie: Arch of Septimius Severus at Leptis Magna (Model) 01
MumblerJamie: Arch of Septimius Severus at Leptis Magna (Model) 02
MumblerJamie: Triumphal Arch 01
MumblerJamie: Triumphal Arch 02
MumblerJamie: Frieze - Architrave with Scene of Adlocutio
MumblerJamie: From Fragments to History: The Arch of Naples
MumblerJamie: Portrait of Caracalla ("Sole Emperor" Type)
MumblerJamie: The Antonian Constitution
MumblerJamie: The Antonian Constitution