Multnomah County Library: Outside Central
Multnomah County Library: Library Seal
Multnomah County Library: Outside Central
Multnomah County Library: Librarians' Workroom
Multnomah County Library: Music Scores
Multnomah County Library: Looking at the Mossy Trees
Multnomah County Library: Looking at the Mossy Trees
Multnomah County Library: Old City Directory
Multnomah County Library: Looking up at the Collins Gallery
Multnomah County Library: Heading to the third floor
Multnomah County Library: Looking down on the Government Documents Room
Multnomah County Library: Gov Docs Mezzanine
Multnomah County Library: Bull Run File
Multnomah County Library: Government Documents
Multnomah County Library: Science & Business Library
Multnomah County Library: Card Catalogues
Multnomah County Library: Card Catalogues
Multnomah County Library: Nook by the John Wilson Room
Multnomah County Library: Sterling Room for Writers
Multnomah County Library: Approaching the second floor
Multnomah County Library: Looking over the Children's Library
Multnomah County Library: Raul and the tree
Multnomah County Library: The other side of "Library Hall"
Multnomah County Library: Oversize stacks in the basement