Multnomah County Library: Three generations reading
Multnomah County Library: Baby and books
Multnomah County Library: Book carts ready to shelve
Multnomah County Library: Checking out and loading into bike buckets
Multnomah County Library: Computer lab time
Multnomah County Library: Family reading
Multnomah County Library: "Get to work" computer lab
Multnomah County Library: "Get to work" computer lab
Multnomah County Library: With grandma at storytime
Multnomah County Library: Homeschool testing
Multnomah County Library: Crates ready to be processed
Multnomah County Library: Hollywood reference staff at work!
Multnomah County Library: Kids and guitar after program
Multnomah County Library: So many books!
Multnomah County Library: Computer time
Multnomah County Library: Mr Ben singing a song
Multnomah County Library: Kids program
Multnomah County Library: kids reading
Multnomah County Library: family reading
Multnomah County Library: kids reading
Multnomah County Library: laptops and copier
Multnomah County Library: little girl reading
Multnomah County Library: little kid reading
Multnomah County Library: opening the doors
Multnomah County Library: opening doors
Multnomah County Library: patrons reading
Multnomah County Library: patrons browsing
Multnomah County Library: returning a book