Multnomah County Library: Waiting for opening
Multnomah County Library: Opening time
Multnomah County Library: Young Reader
Multnomah County Library: Young Reader 2
Multnomah County Library: Young Reader turns the page
Multnomah County Library: Volunteer in workroom
Multnomah County Library: Volunteer checks in holds
Multnomah County Library: Girls at the table
Multnomah County Library: Volunteer with holds
Multnomah County Library: Bible and spectacles
Multnomah County Library: Storytime play
Multnomah County Library: Book Babies in a line
Multnomah County Library: Book Babies in a row
Multnomah County Library: Young baby at Storytime
Multnomah County Library: Kid with picture book
Multnomah County Library: Kid with mom and sister
Multnomah County Library: Mother and child
Multnomah County Library: Mother and child 2
Multnomah County Library: Mother, child and globe
Multnomah County Library: Senior volunteer searches shelf
Multnomah County Library: Patron browses shelves
Multnomah County Library: Kids at the game stations
Multnomah County Library: Internet users
Multnomah County Library: Patron relaxes with magazine
Multnomah County Library: Patron silhouette
Multnomah County Library: Patron reads magazine
Multnomah County Library: Patron reads WSJ