MsAnneThrope: 2 month checkup!
MsAnneThrope: Dinner with (great) uncle Doug.
MsAnneThrope: Great Uncle Doug!
MsAnneThrope: First trip to a voting booth
MsAnneThrope: Baby faces
MsAnneThrope: Tummy time, getting easier
MsAnneThrope: On his way to a wedding!
MsAnneThrope: On the way home from a wedding.
MsAnneThrope: Meeting Kim!
MsAnneThrope: First trip to Asheville
MsAnneThrope: First post-baby date
MsAnneThrope: With Leah and Jackson at Well-Bred
MsAnneThrope: Getting better with that grip.
MsAnneThrope: At Watson Mill Bridge
MsAnneThrope: New seat, medium enthusiasm
MsAnneThrope: Forever blowing bubbles
MsAnneThrope: First movie! Thanks, CineBaby!