Mulling it Over: What am I going to shred next?
Mulling it Over: foot massage
Mulling it Over: i made you a cookie...but i eated it
Mulling it Over: passing resemblance to shark fin
Mulling it Over: mrawrorawarwarw
Mulling it Over: o yeah, that's the spot
Mulling it Over: fur maintenance. also, bacon.
Mulling it Over: Bacon?
Mulling it Over: Bacon!
Mulling it Over: Bacon?
Mulling it Over: hmmm...bacon
Mulling it Over: bacon plz
Mulling it Over: dreaming of bacon
Mulling it Over: Destroyer of armchairs
Mulling it Over: Hunter of lasers
Mulling it Over: Biter of hands
Mulling it Over: plaintive
Mulling it Over: Taking a break from his cat responsibilities