tempo: inflight
tempo: leaving the frame
tempo: Sorrowful doors
tempo: Zoetrope in motion
tempo: Zoetrope at rest
tempo: Pillars of Coppola
tempo: Full moon Christmas...
tempo: Garden friends
tempo: Christmas Eve candle balloons
tempo: Water under the bridge
tempo: Lunar Trees
tempo: Bhaktapur - Bisket Jatra
tempo: Father/son at Bisket Jatra
tempo: Bhaktapur watering hole
tempo: Patan Temple
tempo: Nepal - Streetside
tempo: Bhaktapur - Bisket Jatra
tempo: lazy evening on the loire
tempo: Teahouse kitchen
tempo: Nepal New Year's festival
tempo: Festival jamming
tempo: In the attic
tempo: P1010190
tempo: P1010065
tempo: P1010017
tempo: P2160144
tempo: P6020011
tempo: P6020014
tempo: sucker
tempo: up and away