inkognitoh: Carnival of microphones
inkognitoh: Broody and moody
inkognitoh: Show us yer talent!
inkognitoh: Giving it all.
inkognitoh: Come on Jesus Christ, come back all is forgiven
inkognitoh: Saxophonists's never go astray
inkognitoh: Mood lighting
inkognitoh: Sing it baby!
inkognitoh: you don't have to put on the red light
inkognitoh: Gang's all here
inkognitoh: Emotive air punching for empahsis
inkognitoh: David stood on a chair.
inkognitoh: He played he guitar.
inkognitoh: He sang with a girl.
inkognitoh: Lovely harmonies.
inkognitoh: Im humming along.
inkognitoh: Lovely lady singer.
inkognitoh: Picture 017
inkognitoh: Play that funky Harmonica white boy
inkognitoh: Picture 013
inkognitoh: Ladies and Gentlemen ... David Ford