mulaohu: Banjo man rides bamboo
mulaohu: Nailing down subflooring
mulaohu: Bamboo wood
mulaohu: subfloors in the main room
mulaohu: knee pads are good
mulaohu: layers of flooring
mulaohu: the men around here
mulaohu: piecemeal
mulaohu: proud owner
mulaohu: prep work
mulaohu: Remember safety goggles
mulaohu: Sanding
mulaohu: IMG_2019
mulaohu: IMG_2020
mulaohu: IMG_2021
mulaohu: IMG_2022
mulaohu: IMG_2023
mulaohu: geeklabs bookcase
mulaohu: IMG_2497
mulaohu: Prep for paint
mulaohu: first coat is done
mulaohu: ceiling
mulaohu: Vic the painter
mulaohu: blue tape running
mulaohu: one two punch
mulaohu: Vic puts on finishing touch
mulaohu: waffle chips
mulaohu: engineer, painter, geeklabber
mulaohu: while the first coat dries
mulaohu: Vic in black and white