chicken pants: choppy seas and much wind
chicken pants: awesome yellow things
chicken pants: our boat
chicken pants: the 9 ladies
chicken pants: lovely view
chicken pants: river through the little spa town
chicken pants: spa town
chicken pants: and we walked around town in our yukata
chicken pants: little onsen stop
chicken pants: in front of a traditional japanese cooking area
chicken pants: old fashioned cooking area
chicken pants: looking silly
chicken pants: red is for girls
chicken pants: blue is for boys
chicken pants: hotel issue flip flops
chicken pants: naked people only
chicken pants: my new school family
chicken pants: we are in love
chicken pants: thar she blows
chicken pants: tall wheaty grass and mountains
chicken pants: blowin around
chicken pants: big bear and friends
chicken pants: bear + ladies=cutey cute
chicken pants: clovery red flowers
chicken pants: lavender
chicken pants: sasaki-sensei and merissa-sensei
chicken pants: don't jump off this bridge
chicken pants: tunnel of some historical significance
chicken pants: cars are for sissies