muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
S is for scissors
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
S is for skull
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
S is for a schoolhouse
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
S is for a spoon of sugar
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
S is for Star sticky notes
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
S is for sevens
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
S is for sixes
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
S is for statute
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
S is for shadows
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
S is for shard
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
S is for sheep
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
S is for sparkly
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
S is for spile
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
S Is for a Sunshine’s shiny stack
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
the nineteenth letter is S
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
S is for sock monkey
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
R is for a Rock message
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
R is for rusty ruler
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
R is for ripper
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
the eighteenth letter is R
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
Kitchen abstract
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
Q is also for a quartet of querulous queens
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
Q is for a quartet of quarters
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
just because
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
O is for an Orange Octopus
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
O is for off the hook
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
Fill your frame with yellow
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺:
N is for nines