muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: trucks on a sill
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: kitty dishes collage
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: anybody want to guess?
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: goose at the gate
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: pothole patch protection
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: now tell us how you *really* feel.........
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: blue and opaque
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: palely concentric
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: looking up at a totem pole
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: Pretty profile
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: the face only a mother could love
muffett68 ☺ heidi ☺: crochet on a pig