mudshark: My Workplace
mudshark: My Workplace (2)
mudshark: Drawing the DeSoto
mudshark: Drawing the DeSoto (2)
mudshark: Drawing the DeSoto (3)
mudshark: Some illustration mock-ups
mudshark: Mock-ups Some More
mudshark: ... and Some More...
mudshark: Gaby Bringing It All Together
mudshark: Gaby Bringing It All Together
mudshark: Warm Beer & Cold Women
mudshark: Gaby Bringing It All Together
mudshark: Sketching out "Warm Beer & Cold Women"
mudshark: Sketching out "Warm Beer & Cold Women"
mudshark: Sketching out "Warm Beer & Cold Women"
mudshark: Chapter screenshots
mudshark: Chapter screenshots
mudshark: Chapters one through five
mudshark: swordfishtrombones (1)
mudshark: swordfishtrombones (2)
mudshark: swordfishtrombones (4)
mudshark: swordfishtrombones (3)
mudshark: The iSight Set-Up
mudshark: Frank's Wild Years
mudshark: Who Are You Now?
mudshark: What's He Building In There?
mudshark: What's He Building In There?
mudshark: What's He Building In There?
mudshark: What's He Building In There?
mudshark: What's He Building In There?