hqqnW: Before: Wholesome
hqqnW: After: Undead
hqqnW: Decorations
hqqnW: "Hellewww children!!!"
hqqnW: Kitty brainssss
hqqnW: Are you a little zombie cat?
hqqnW: Ahhh zombies!!
hqqnW: Zombie boy
hqqnW: Hunting for victims
hqqnW: We met some kindred spirits
hqqnW: Umm, nurse?
hqqnW: Johnny Weir, hehe
hqqnW: Green Monster
hqqnW: Who are these sick freaks?
hqqnW: Urrrhhh
hqqnW: Frankie on the catwalk
hqqnW: Bike zombie
hqqnW: Frankenstein and his badass chopper bike
hqqnW: Busted zombie eye