Maritime Union of Australia (MUA): MUA SNSW Branch Secretary Garry Keane with Consul-General Li Huaxin at the plaque commemorating the Dalfram Dispute
Maritime Union of Australia (MUA): The group with the Dalfram Dispute Plaque
Maritime Union of Australia (MUA): MUA SNSW Branch Secretary Garry Keane with Consul-General Li Huaxin
Maritime Union of Australia (MUA): MUA SNSW Branch Secretary Garry Keane with Consul-General Li Huaxin, South Coast Labour Council Secretary Arthur Rorris and Deputy Consul-General
Maritime Union of Australia (MUA): Arthur Chan speaks at the Pig Iron Bob preview at Pork Kembla Leagues Club
Maritime Union of Australia (MUA): Being shown around port Kembla on Svitzer tug Beltana
Maritime Union of Australia (MUA): MUA SNSW Branch Secretary Garry Keane with Consul-General Li Huaxin
Maritime Union of Australia (MUA): MUA SNSW Branch Secretary Garry Keane with Consul-General Li Huaxin
Maritime Union of Australia (MUA): Ship berthed at Port Kembla
Maritime Union of Australia (MUA): Grain Loader at Port Kembla
Maritime Union of Australia (MUA): Bluescope Steel at Port Kembla
Maritime Union of Australia (MUA): Li Huaxin with MUA member
Maritime Union of Australia (MUA): Svitzer crew with Li Huaxin