MU Athletics Club: Friday afternoon spectators
MU Athletics Club: Jacquie Sharples warms up for 400m hurdles heat
MU Athletics Club: And racing..
MU Athletics Club: MUAC support crew
MU Athletics Club: Jo Bromfield talking to Sandro
MU Athletics Club: 3000m steeplechase
MU Athletics Club: Hamish Beaumont
MU Athletics Club: Recovery at Cottesloe
MU Athletics Club: Kath Iannello
MU Athletics Club: Ewan Haldane
MU Athletics Club: Lauren Jauncey, 200m
MU Athletics Club: Anthony Hanna
MU Athletics Club: Advice from Sandro
MU Athletics Club: Janelle gets silver
MU Athletics Club: High Jump medalists
MU Athletics Club: Two newly awarded National medalists
MU Athletics Club: Mmmm... burgers
MU Athletics Club: Hannah and Jo
MU Athletics Club: The after party
MU Athletics Club: Jacquie on the starting blocks
MU Athletics Club: Janelle O'Sullivan
MU Athletics Club: Janelle and Hannah after the High Jump
MU Athletics Club: Janelle (2nd) Hannah (3rd)
MU Athletics Club: High Jump Medalists
MU Athletics Club: Mitchell dancing with the stars