mtungate: The Aspen 3
mtungate: The Aspen
mtungate: The Aspen 2
mtungate: Autumn III
mtungate: Autumn II
mtungate: Autumn I
mtungate: Cottonwood Has Landed
mtungate: Desert Cactus Bloom
mtungate: Coming in for a landing
mtungate: BW Plant Study I
mtungate: The Dandy
mtungate: BW Plant Study II
mtungate: Apache Plume, Fallugia Paradoxa
mtungate: Rose Garden I
mtungate: Rose Garden II
mtungate: Spring Buds
mtungate: Gathering
mtungate: The Aspen 4
mtungate: Black Sheep
mtungate: Pedals
mtungate: Pear Blooms
mtungate: Birth of Spring
mtungate: Autumn Leaf