mtnclimer: Looking north on Church Ave. to 56 Leonard St., 821', Lower Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: Two iconic skyscrapers, 70 Pine St., 952' on the left and 40 Wall St. 927', with the green top, Lower Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: On 6th. Ave. in Lower Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: The Financial District from the Brooklyn Bridge, Lower Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: Looking north from Battery Park, Lower Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: Looking south on West St. to the WTC, Lower Manhattan, New York, New York.
mtnclimer: The view north to the WTC on West St., Lower Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: One of the two 911 memorial pools placed in the footprint of the Twin Towers, Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: Looking north on West St. from Battery Park, Lower Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: Looking north on West St. Lower Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: 56 Leonard St., 821' and One WTC at 1776', Lower Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: Part of the World Financial Center, Lower Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: The Oculus
mtnclimer: 3 distinct architectural styles, Lower Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: The interior of the WTC Transportation Hub, the Oculus, lower Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: Beekman Tower, 870', Lower Manhattan, NY
mtnclimer: Beekman Tower, Lower Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: Beekman Tower, aka. NY by Gehry, 922', Lower Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: The Woolworth Building, Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: New York City Hall and the Municipal Building, Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: 30 Park Place in lower Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: A masterpiece of another age of architecture on Park Pl. in Lower Manhattan, NY,,
mtnclimer: The New York City Municipal Bldg. with the golden top of the Criminal Courts Bldg., and part of City Hall on the lower left.
mtnclimer: The top of One WTC reflected in the glass facade of 4 World Trade Center, Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: Buildings in Battery Park City, lower Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: The glass facade of the Millenium Hotel reflecting some neighboring buildings, lower Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: Part of the Oculus over the new transportation center, One World Trade Ctr., and 7 World Trade Ctr., Manhattan, NY..
mtnclimer: One World Trade Ctr. , 7 World Trade Ctr. and the spire of St. Paul's Church in lower Manhattan , NY..
mtnclimer: Top of 40 Wall St., 927' high, lower Manhattan, NY Harbor in the backgound, NY., NY..
mtnclimer: Beautiful Art Deco detailing on the top of 70 Pine St. the AIG Building at 952' high, lower Manhattan, NY..