elymt: Minute four of an eleven minute nap. This boy has *got* to learn how to sleep.
elymt: Hoodie.
elymt: I really need to start wearing overalls again, I looked good. #tbt
elymt: Anniversary dinner at The Mill.
elymt: Leaf!
elymt: Leaves.
elymt: Likes the food.
elymt: Get out there and vote, you assholes!
elymt: @knaglieri: since you asked...
elymt: The boy and his leaves.
elymt: Where the trolls hang out.
elymt: A nice day for a walk, part 2.
elymt: A nice day for a walk.
elymt: A certified proper pint just for @poppiesandme, poured at Rosie Connolly's. It's not the Horse and Hound, but it'll do.
elymt: Fall.
elymt: Blown highlights!
elymt: Long time comin'.
elymt: The laziest costume.
elymt: Bath.
elymt: Gettin' clean, eatin' some soap.
elymt: Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous (Mice).
elymt: Winter is coming.
elymt: 1987 Twins, Tuckahoe Little League.
elymt: Broccoli mustache
elymt: If you lost your party shoes in Bryan Park, I have good news.
elymt: Practicing for his first French dip.
elymt: There are a great many things he loves more than that cat, surely ... but we haven't found any yet.
elymt: Sunset, sans baby.
elymt: Baby in bath. Photo by hot wife, @ofdconsulting.
elymt: All the toughest guys have skulls on their shirts.