mtaka24: Morning mist on heights, 高原の朝もや
mtaka24: Waterflow to Tateshina Lake, 蓼科湖への流れ
mtaka24: Waterflow to Tateshina Lake, 蓼科湖への流れ
mtaka24: Bubbles on the river, 泡沫
mtaka24: A duck, 鴨
mtaka24: Hotspring for feet, 足湯
mtaka24: Suwa Lake, 諏訪湖
mtaka24: Takeya Miso Co., タケヤみそ(上諏訪)
mtaka24: A watchtower, 火の見櫓
mtaka24: Entrance to Suwa Shrine, 諏訪大社下社・秋宮入り口
mtaka24: Big rope in Suwa Shrine, 諏訪大社下社・秋宮神楽殿の注連縄
mtaka24: Blue sky over Suwa Shrine, 諏訪大社の青い空
mtaka24: Entrance to Suwa Shrine, 諏訪大社下社・秋宮鳥居
mtaka24: Suwa Shrine, 諏訪大社下社・秋宮の手水所
mtaka24: Trees against the sky, 空と木々と
mtaka24: Windbells, 風鈴
mtaka24: Big rope at Suwa Shrine, 諏訪大社下社・春宮の注連縄
mtaka24: Children playing in the river, 川で遊ぶ
mtaka24: Children playing in the river, 川で遊ぶ
mtaka24: Surface of the river, 川面
mtaka24: Surface of the river, 川面
mtaka24: Down by the riverside, 川辺にて
mtaka24: Children playing in the river, 川で遊ぶ
mtaka24: Water runs under the tree, 枝の下を走る川
mtaka24: Sun reflects on a tiny ricefield, 小さな水耕田に反射する太陽
mtaka24: Bubbles of the river, 川の泡沫
mtaka24: Transparent green, 葉々の透過光
mtaka24: Suwa Shrine, 諏訪大社下社・春宮
mtaka24: Arch bridge to Suwa Shrine, 諏訪大社下社春宮・下馬橋
mtaka24: Ext. Gate of Suwa Shrine, 諏訪大社下社・春宮大門