lilszeto: You've always been there for me and Chris
lilszeto: We've enjoyed family adventures
lilszeto: And looked so stylish!
lilszeto: Even when staying home
lilszeto: Has felt like a day at the beach
lilszeto: I especially love the quiet moments at home
lilszeto: As a family
lilszeto: You are always there for me. Birthdays
lilszeto: Graduations
lilszeto: Our engagement
lilszeto: Wanting nothing but the best for me
lilszeto: And Chris
lilszeto: Your support
lilszeto: And faith
lilszeto: Your wisdom
lilszeto: And love
lilszeto: Your sense of family
lilszeto: And pride
lilszeto: Have given me a rich appreciation for life
lilszeto: Your elegance
lilszeto: And warmth
lilszeto: Your support
lilszeto: Of my health
lilszeto: Your loyalty
lilszeto: And grace
lilszeto: Your sense of humor
lilszeto: And beauty
lilszeto: Your love
lilszeto: And goofiness
lilszeto: Your strength