MSummersPhotography: C&PRR Bridge #2
MSummersPhotography: Roy O. Disney
MSummersPhotography: Upper Gum Field
MSummersPhotography: Spang, Chalfant & Co. #8
MSummersPhotography: Preparations
MSummersPhotography: Heading for the Turntable
MSummersPhotography: The Gates of Hell
MSummersPhotography: Feeding the Beast
MSummersPhotography: Shootin' the Breeze
MSummersPhotography: The East Broad Top Railroad
MSummersPhotography: McMullins Summit
MSummersPhotography: The Light at the End of the Tunnel
MSummersPhotography: Fall Color at Coal Tipple
MSummersPhotography: Virginia Creeper Sunrise (Explored)
MSummersPhotography: A Foggy Night on the East Broad Top
MSummersPhotography: Late Night Run
MSummersPhotography: Wilmington & Western #98
MSummersPhotography: The Fireman
MSummersPhotography: Winter Wonderland
MSummersPhotography: The Engineer
MSummersPhotography: Granite Point
MSummersPhotography: Cement Wall
MSummersPhotography: Horseshoe Curve
MSummersPhotography: The High Bridge
MSummersPhotography: Night at the Roundhouse
MSummersPhotography: Feeding the Fire