Bold Searcher: Remembering Duke - clips galore
Bold Searcher: Climbing a rocky mountain
Bold Searcher: Overlooking Rocky Mt National Park
Bold Searcher: Elk herd in Rocky Mt National Park
Bold Searcher: Break time in Estes Park, CO
Bold Searcher: Best of Backyards!
Bold Searcher: 50 years of Friendship!
Bold Searcher: Juggler on Stilts in Pearl St, Boulder
Bold Searcher: A walking tree Pearl St, Boulder,CO
Bold Searcher: Karen's front yard garden
Bold Searcher: Medicine Bow National Forest
Bold Searcher: Centennial, WY pop 100
Bold Searcher: Lake Marie, WY
Bold Searcher: Run off from Lake Marie, WY
Bold Searcher: Snowy Range, Wy
Bold Searcher: Along the Miner's Trail
Bold Searcher: Libby Flats, WY overlook
Bold Searcher: View from the Castle
Bold Searcher: Sunset over mountains west of Longmont
Bold Searcher: Balloon watching from Karen's Deck