mstarn: Colorful Hummer
mstarn: Humingbird feeding
mstarn: Hummer
mstarn: mockingbird
mstarn: Canada Geese
mstarn: Ducks
mstarn: small ducks
mstarn: Coming in for a landing
mstarn: Birds eye view of a bluebird
mstarn: Mr. Cardinal
mstarn: Baby Gold Finch
mstarn: Hummer on feeder
mstarn: Hummer on Bee Balm
mstarn: Birds eye view of a duck
mstarn: Cranky old man
mstarn: Lady Duck and friend
mstarn: Lady Duck
mstarn: Serious bath time
mstarn: Sparrow
mstarn: Carolina Chickadee with grub
mstarn: Gold Finch
mstarn: Carolina Chickadee with spider
mstarn: Purple Finch
mstarn: Mr Robin starting bath
mstarn: Mr Robin bathing
mstarn: Bluebird waiting on dinner
mstarn: Very Brillant Bluebird
mstarn: Noisy Mockingbird
mstarn: Start of Flight
mstarn: Mr and Mrs Purple