Emmy Vesta: Yes, pet. Beg me. I like the taste of your surrender upon my lips.
Emmy Vesta: Only the first kiss will I be gentle, so savor it pet.
Emmy Vesta: Talk dirty to me. ;)
Emmy Vesta: Don't you?
Emmy Vesta: Forgot about this shot.
Emmy Vesta: The no make-up me. #selfie
Emmy Vesta: I'm thinking I like it in black n white better. Lol
Emmy Vesta: Sadness is red, not blue.
Emmy Vesta: To all our men and women who have served and are serving in our Military... You carry a heavy burden. The weight is unimaginable. But I see you. I feel you. Come live in my heart, burrow in and just breathe. You are not alone. Reach out, for your soul a
Emmy Vesta: It's not my sexual identity. It's how my heart works. It's not swinging, swapping, orgies. It's how I give and receive love. #polyamory
Emmy Vesta: Far as it goes.
Emmy Vesta: Fade away.
Emmy Vesta: Just walking my way, off the beaten path.
Emmy Vesta: The original fight club.
Emmy Vesta: Relax, I got this.
Emmy Vesta: Am I asking for too much?
Emmy Vesta: Always kiss me goodnight.
Emmy Vesta: Come closer.
Emmy Vesta: Happy unbirthday!
Emmy Vesta: Indulge me.
Emmy Vesta: Breath me in.
Emmy Vesta: Emerging butterfly.
Emmy Vesta: Tread softly.
Emmy Vesta: Dig it?
Emmy Vesta: Let's fall apart together.
Emmy Vesta: Rainy nights.
Emmy Vesta: Just, just let my love adorn you.
Emmy Vesta: Don't be so shy.
Emmy Vesta: As it pertains to me and you. ;)