Emmy Vesta: A Self Portrait, Ms. Ryan
Emmy Vesta: Dear God
Emmy Vesta: The Married Emmy (Before). Self-Portrait.
Emmy Vesta: Afternoon Delight...
Emmy Vesta: I shall survive this too...
Emmy Vesta: Alone, seperate, and trying to love me for me.
Emmy Vesta: Claire's 5th Birthday!
Emmy Vesta: Nice eh?
Emmy Vesta: Nice eh?
Emmy Vesta: Big girls don't cry...
Emmy Vesta: not merely just a woman...
Emmy Vesta: just a survivor...
Emmy Vesta: A trip down memory lane...
Emmy Vesta: A portrait of a Mom, Emmy
Emmy Vesta: A portrait of a Mom, Emmy
Emmy Vesta: A portrait of a Mom, Emmy
Emmy Vesta: A portrait of a Mom, Emmy
Emmy Vesta: Poor Me
Emmy Vesta: Hold me. Hold me.
Emmy Vesta: Just Another "Velvet Morning"
Emmy Vesta: Just Another "Velvet Morning"
Emmy Vesta: Just Another "Velvet Morning"
Emmy Vesta: Just Another "Velvet Morning"
Emmy Vesta: Just Another "Velvet Morning"
Emmy Vesta: Just Another "Velvet Morning"
Emmy Vesta: Just Another "Velvet Morning"
Emmy Vesta: Just Another "Velvet Morning"
Emmy Vesta: Just Another "Velvet Morning"
Emmy Vesta: Real Women Sweat *gasp*