squibilan: galloping horses on the way to camp
squibilan: vegetation
squibilan: caravan
squibilan: passing through julian
squibilan: passing through julian
squibilan: a short walk before dinner
squibilan: playing on a large tree trunk
squibilan: tacos
squibilan: 062212
squibilan: pretending to be jedi
squibilan: pretending to be cyclops
squibilan: a snake!
squibilan: roasting marshmallows
squibilan: roasting marshmallows
squibilan: eating smores
squibilan: eating smores
squibilan: marshmallow over fire
squibilan: the men
squibilan: starry sky
squibilan: camp by firelight
squibilan: after the kids' bedtime
squibilan: after the kids' bedtime
squibilan: a moth in the candle
squibilan: wild grass
squibilan: good morning, camp
squibilan: morning
squibilan: mendoza shoes
squibilan: on the hammock
squibilan: a canopy of trees
squibilan: the trail to the stream