Msomi: Bratwurst
Msomi: Concert schedule
Msomi: Bright lights of Puyallup
Msomi: Duck soup
Msomi: Krusty pup
Msomi: Martini
Msomi: My favorite
Msomi: Funnel cake sign
Msomi: Light
Msomi: Piggly Downs
Msomi: Piggly Downs competitors
Msomi: Many pigs
Msomi: Matterhorn
Msomi: Prizes
Msomi: Sibling rivalry
Msomi: Prize bird
Msomi: Skull sticks
Msomi: Something to sing about
Msomi: Throwing game
Msomi: While it still seems like a good idea
Msomi: This better be fun
Msomi: Whac-a-Mole
Msomi: You bet
Msomi: Beware of zebu
Msomi: Poodle pigeon
Msomi: What high wind?
Msomi: Are you sneezy?
Msomi: My eyes are mine
Msomi: Who is this Wilbur of whom you speak?
Msomi: Fuzzy lips