Komodo Liz: July 25th photo topic: a word that rhymes with "ate". The little dog in the background had to DEFECATE
Komodo Liz: July 25th photo topic: rhymes with "ate" I give you a PLATE
Komodo Liz: Topic of the day: Blue. Dodger Blue!
Komodo Liz: Princess Lola Bear
Komodo Liz: Photo theme for July 16th: Dots. Jack's belly has dots/spots - same thing :-)
Komodo Liz: Photo Topic July 28th - Twisted. A Taco Bell cinnamon twist!
Komodo Liz: Photo Topic July 28th - Twist
Komodo Liz: Photo Topic July 29th - Hot
Komodo Liz: July 31st Photo Topic: Mechanical. A mechanical chiropractic table
Komodo Liz: Photo Topic August 1: Feet. Jack's Big Feet
Komodo Liz: Photo Topic August 1: Feet. Princess Lola Bear's right foot/paw
Komodo Liz: Photo topic week of Aug 6. Before and After