mslindz: Grace does a handstand!
mslindz: Sap Collecting
mslindz: Buckets Collecting Sap
mslindz: Matt the Photographer
mslindz: Grace Swims!
mslindz: Different way to collect sap
mslindz: Multiple Buckets
mslindz: Making Maple Syrup
mslindz: Getting out the maple sand.
mslindz: Sugar House
mslindz: Grace Behind the Leaves
mslindz: Photo shoot
mslindz: Overlook
mslindz: Just the shoulders up.
mslindz: Twisted
mslindz: IMG_1971
mslindz: IMG_1957
mslindz: IMG_1960
mslindz: 136/365: Back to Basics
mslindz: IMG_1963
mslindz: IMG_1965
mslindz: IMG_1966
mslindz: IMG_1968
mslindz: IMG_1970