Ms. Jen: My favorite vista/view of the Colorado River
Ms. Jen: Christine and Scruffy Paddle Boarding in the Keys
Ms. Jen: The Valley of the Palo Verde Trees
Ms. Jen: Belle
Ms. Jen: Local Cholla Cactus Flowers
Ms. Jen: Fallen Camellia
Ms. Jen: Palo Verde Tree Oasis
Ms. Jen: Beavertail Cactus blooming
Ms. Jen: Scruffy has quite a bit to say
Ms. Jen: Waiting for its people
Ms. Jen: Mesas and Clouds
Ms. Jen: Hello, New Moon!
Ms. Jen: The View from Palm Canyon
Ms. Jen: Windstorm
Ms. Jen: Stinker and Canela
Ms. Jen: Tall-ish Cacti
Ms. Jen: The lineup at the Dillon Road TA, Coachella
Ms. Jen: Sidewalk shadows
Ms. Jen: The Streetlight
Ms. Jen: The Gap
Ms. Jen: Full Moon rising over the Keys
Ms. Jen: Looking across the river to California
Ms. Jen: While not quite as spectacular as last night, tonight's sunset looked pretty good
Ms. Jen: Roadside Lupin
Ms. Jen: The Ornamental Pear Trees are Blooming
Ms. Jen: Venus and Clouds at Dawn
Ms. Jen: Fresh Crescent Moon Setting at Twilight
Ms. Jen: Lumia 950, Day 2, Scruffy Sunbathing
Ms. Jen: View from the porch at late twilight with the Lumia 950
Ms. Jen: Mark and CJ