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Lumia Camera Phones by Ms. Jen
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Ms. Jen
My favorite vista/view of the Colorado River
Ms. Jen
Christine and Scruffy Paddle Boarding in the Keys
Ms. Jen
The Valley of the Palo Verde Trees
Ms. Jen
Ms. Jen
Local Cholla Cactus Flowers
Ms. Jen
Fallen Camellia
Ms. Jen
Palo Verde Tree Oasis
Ms. Jen
Beavertail Cactus blooming
Ms. Jen
Scruffy has quite a bit to say
Ms. Jen
Waiting for its people
Ms. Jen
Mesas and Clouds
Ms. Jen
Hello, New Moon!
Ms. Jen
The View from Palm Canyon
Ms. Jen
Ms. Jen
Stinker and Canela
Ms. Jen
Tall-ish Cacti
Ms. Jen
The lineup at the Dillon Road TA, Coachella
Ms. Jen
Sidewalk shadows
Ms. Jen
The Streetlight
Ms. Jen
The Gap
Ms. Jen
Full Moon rising over the Keys
Ms. Jen
Looking across the river to California
Ms. Jen
While not quite as spectacular as last night, tonight's sunset looked pretty good
Ms. Jen
Roadside Lupin
Ms. Jen
The Ornamental Pear Trees are Blooming
Ms. Jen
Venus and Clouds at Dawn
Ms. Jen
Fresh Crescent Moon Setting at Twilight
Ms. Jen
Lumia 950, Day 2, Scruffy Sunbathing
Ms. Jen
View from the porch at late twilight with the Lumia 950
Ms. Jen
Mark and CJ
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