Ms. Jen: The Belt of Orion as Seen from Glamis
Ms. Jen: Tonight's Venus - Mercury Conjunction
Ms. Jen: Vermilion Flycatcher Inflight
Ms. Jen: The Upward Sweep
Ms. Jen: The Aloe Flowers and the Hummingbird
Ms. Jen: Ruffled Costa's Hummingbird
Ms. Jen: The Lights of Blythe and Layers of Clouds
Ms. Jen: The Koh-Kopelli Spiral Labyrinth at Kofa National Wildlife Refuge
Ms. Jen: Turtle Greets Bronze Child
Ms. Jen: January New Moon
Ms. Jen: Pre-Dawn This Morning: Saturn, Mercury, and Moon
Ms. Jen: The Last of the Roses
Ms. Jen: Remembrance Sunday : Last of the Autumn Colors at Green Park
Ms. Jen: Early October at Convict Lake
Ms. Jen: Eclipsed Sun and Regulus
Ms. Jen: Afternoon nap at Campsite #52
Ms. Jen: When the Neighbors have Too Many Lights On
Ms. Jen: Yellow-Headed Blackbird on a perch
Ms. Jen: A Day Old Moon Setting
Ms. Jen: The Milky Way and Mt. Morgan
Ms. Jen: At Moonset
Ms. Jen: Heron at St. James' Park
Ms. Jen: Storm battered Nuthatch
Ms. Jen: Waxing Crescent Moon and the Last of the Sunset over Mackerel Cove
Ms. Jen: Painted Lady butterfly sipping nectar on a plum tree
Ms. Jen: Blooming Cactus
Ms. Jen: The White Mountains near sunset
Ms. Jen: Golden Hour on the Whites Reflects in the Pond
Ms. Jen: Moon setting on Mt. Tom's Flank
Ms. Jen: Mom and Canela out in the Meadow