Judy T Howle:
Canada Geese - split-toned in Exposure 5 plugin
Judy T Howle:
TX hibiscus
Judy T Howle:
background blurred with motion blur
Judy T Howle:
Lotus bloom
Judy T Howle:
Topaz Adjust and ReStyle
Judy T Howle:
Mexican petunia
Judy T Howle:
Split-toned with Expsosure 5
Judy T Howle:
Aquarella watercolor app
Judy T Howle:
Broken (Artista Oil Paint desktop app)
Judy T Howle:
Etchings on iPhone
Judy T Howle:
Crepe Myrtle bark abstract
Judy T Howle:
Crepe Myrtle tree bark abstract
Judy T Howle:
Crepe Myrtle tree bark abstract
Judy T Howle:
Soaring to the Heavens
Judy T Howle:
Carnelian clouds at sunset