jazzpic: Brooklyn Bridge and WTC
jazzpic: View from the "Top of the Rock" ...
jazzpic: New York in B&W
jazzpic: Graveyard of heroes ... ?
jazzpic: Wall Street & New York Stock Exchange
jazzpic: Brooklyn Bridge, just after sunset ...
jazzpic: Meet me under the clock ... at 9:16am ...
jazzpic: The sound of sirens ...
jazzpic: Grand Central Terminal in early morning light ...
jazzpic: The "every tourist shoots this" shot ...
jazzpic: 3 Generations ....
jazzpic: Sunset over South Manhattan ...
jazzpic: Urban density, Manhattan New York ...
jazzpic: The view north from South Manhattan ...
jazzpic: Lower and Mid Town Manhattan ...
jazzpic: Traffic on Brooklyn Bridge ...
jazzpic: Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridge ...
jazzpic: Looking for The Joker ...
jazzpic: ... and found him!
jazzpic: Brooklyn Bridge illuminated ...
jazzpic: Streeeeeeeeeeeeeeetched Limos ...
jazzpic: Another stretched limo taking too much time to cross ...
jazzpic: Is yours longer or mine ...???
jazzpic: Concrete, glass and steel canyons ...
jazzpic: One more concrete, glass and steel canyon ...
jazzpic: King Kong had a day off ...
jazzpic: Empire State Building ...
jazzpic: Radio City Music Hall ...
jazzpic: Time Square ...
jazzpic: Canyon of light ...