Mostafa Sheshtawy:
The Army near the Embassy gates
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
Death to Israel | الموت لإسرائيل
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
Jerusalem's liberation starts with Cairo's Liberation, Revolutionary Socialists | تحرير القدس يبدأ من تحرير القاهرة , الإشتراكيون الثوريون
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
Protesters jumped over the fence and asked the military to put down the Israeli Flag
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
Down with Camp David | تسقط كامب دايفد
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
Fuck Israel
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
Protesters trying to remove the concrete wall near the embassy entrance
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
Protesters Chanting, Down with Israel while holding Islamic flag
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
Army at the Gates of Israeli Embassy
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
Get Out | غور Out
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
Activist and Tweep Mohammed Tawakol @M_TAWAKOL
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
استشهادي استشهادي , حيفا و يافا أرض بلادي | حزب العمال
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
Down with Zionists | يسقط الكيان الصهيوني
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
Palestine's Flag rises in the Israeli Embassy Protest
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
Syria's Flag rises in the Israeli Embassy Protest
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
The Scene After protesters crossed the fences | أمام السفارة بعد إزالة العازل
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
In front of the Israeli Embassy
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
عاجل الى أمريكا , الطفل المدلل نخطى الحدود, اتقي شر غضب الشعب المصري
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
Free #Palestine | الحرية لفلسطين
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
Fireworks after the brave #Flagman
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
Residence giving water to Protesters
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
Military Police | الشرطة العسكرية
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
People Demand and Execute | الشعب يريد و ينفذ
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
The Israeli Embassy Tweet up
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
The Road to the Embassy | الطريق الى السفارة
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
The Egyptian Flag rises on the Israeli Embassy
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
Egyptian Army | الجيش المصري
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
The Embassy Sit-in | إعتصام السفارة
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
One of the people in the sit-in | أحد المعتصمين أمام السفارة
Mostafa Sheshtawy:
Part of the sit-in | جانب من الإعتصام