MShades: Mormon temple in DC 02
MShades: Mormon temple in DC 01
MShades: Jefferson Memorial
MShades: Jefferson Memorial
MShades: Flowers in the Trash - Once Upon a Time....
MShades: Enola Gay
MShades: Enola Gay
MShades: Enterprise
MShades: Enterprise
MShades: Blackbird
MShades: The Smithsonian Air and Space Museum
MShades: World War Two Memorial - star wall
MShades: WW2 Memorial and Lincoln
MShades: Washington Monument
MShades: Washington Monument
MShades: Taking the opportunity
MShades: The White House
MShades: The Capitol
MShades: Woodrow Wilson Plaza 01
MShades: Woodrow Wilson Plaza 02
MShades: Jefferson Memorial
MShades: Union Station - Christopher Columbus
MShades: The Capitol
MShades: King Kamehameha
MShades: Statue of Freedom
MShades: Chief Washakie of Wyoming
MShades: The Rotunda
MShades: Rotunda
MShades: Susan B Anthony looking scary
MShades: Susan B Anthony looking slightly less scary