MSHennessy: 16" Rounds and powder cases
MSHennessy: USS Missouri's bow/forecastle
MSHennessy: Mighty Mo - Forward 16" Turret
MSHennessy: Mo's Forecastle and forward gunmounts
MSHennessy: USS Missouri - Tilt Shift
MSHennessy: CHENG's stateroom
MSHennessy: CHENG's stateroom
MSHennessy: General MacArthur and Admiral Nimitz arrive
MSHennessy: Japanese Surrender Site
MSHennessy: USS Missouri - Japanese Delegation
MSHennessy: Plaque marking the site of the signing of the surrender
MSHennessy: Shigemitsu Signs Surrender
MSHennessy: Commodore Matthew Perry's Flag
MSHennessy: General MacArthur
MSHennessy: Plaque commemorating the surrender
MSHennessy: Missouri's CO Stateroom
MSHennessy: Beginning and end of WWII
MSHennessy: Wheelhouse
MSHennessy: Wheelhouse blast door
MSHennessy: 5" guns trained out over Pearl Harbor
MSHennessy: USS Missouri's Superstructure
MSHennessy: Surrender spectators