Meredith Eligh:
34 Weeks
Meredith Eligh:
Day One - Sept 9th, 2010
Meredith Eligh:
With Grandad Sexton
Meredith Eligh:
Meredith Eligh:
Day One - Sept 9th, 2010
Meredith Eligh:
Sept 11, 2010 - Less than 2 days old
Meredith Eligh:
Meredith Eligh:
Meredith Eligh:
Meredith Eligh:
Meredith Eligh:
Photo by Blake Eligh
Meredith Eligh:
Meredith Eligh:
Meredith Eligh:
Meredith Eligh:
Meredith Eligh:
They look like tiny little caterpillars...
Meredith Eligh:
All the Cousins Together For the First Time
Meredith Eligh:
Sept 20th, 2010
Meredith Eligh:
Woolly Dreams (or Counting Sheep) Sept 20th, 2010
Meredith Eligh:
Sept 20th, 2010
Meredith Eligh:
Sept 20th, 2010
Meredith Eligh:
Meredith Eligh:
He's Not Really Eating the Baby
Meredith Eligh:
Meredith Eligh:
Daddy's Ring
Meredith Eligh:
the first of his kind.
Meredith Eligh:
Baby Burton Hat
Meredith Eligh:
Sept 27th, 2010 - 18 Days old