msenese: Abandoned bunker
msenese: Outside the abandoned bunker
msenese: Mikey's peering into the collapsed roof of the abandoned bunker
msenese: A second bunker, in use from 1901-1917
msenese: Exploring the second bunker
msenese: Below the second bunker. Up top is where a canon used to be mounted
msenese: The original reinforcement in the cement cieling
msenese: Metal door protecting the inside
msenese: Wooden door at the bunker
msenese: Steps on the top of the second bunker, near the canon mount
msenese: Rusting metal plate on the bunker
msenese: Mike found the rooftop, of course
msenese: Approaching the GG Bridge
msenese: Mike and Mike, at the start of the bridge
msenese: Pedaling into the fog
msenese: The fog is lifting now and we could finally see the towers
msenese: We're getting hungry... but there is more to explore
msenese: On our way back. Mikey's ahead of me.
msenese: Made it back to the start, now down to Fort Point
msenese: Inside Fort Point. The walls are 7 feet thick
msenese: The bridge is constructed directly overhead
msenese: Mikey up on the second floor
msenese: You can get a sense of how big the Bridge is above us
msenese: The back wall housed the bunks and sleeping quarters
msenese: The front walls were for canons and defense. None of the canons were ever shot
msenese: Gorgeous interior, I'll return with a nicer camera
msenese: Archways inside Fort Point
msenese: Looking out one of the windows towards the ocean
msenese: A great place for hide and seek
msenese: Out another window with the bridge above