M. Sauter: ghostly light
M. Sauter: the light still gets in
M. Sauter: entrance
M. Sauter: loss
M. Sauter: cinematic!
M. Sauter: center stage
M. Sauter: blue ceiling
M. Sauter: death of a player piano
M. Sauter: I can't find my seat.
M. Sauter: Entree vous!
M. Sauter: auditorium
M. Sauter: gymnasium wall
M. Sauter: paint chips
M. Sauter: lines and lines and lines
M. Sauter: shoot some hoops?
M. Sauter: relax!
M. Sauter: hallway
M. Sauter: too big to button
M. Sauter: dance studio
M. Sauter: head of the class
M. Sauter: but, soft!
M. Sauter: slow green tide
M. Sauter: nature:1, man: 0
M. Sauter: pigeon "friend"
M. Sauter: balcony
M. Sauter: sanctuary
M. Sauter: exploration
M. Sauter: exit?
M. Sauter: stairs to nowhere
M. Sauter: arches