M.E. Sanseverino: Views south from the lower slopes of Mt. Manuel Quimper
M.E. Sanseverino: Upper Sooke Basin: Goodridge Peninsula and Goodridge Islands standing out
M.E. Sanseverino: Rachel, John, and Mike - on the way up Mt. Quimper
M.E. Sanseverino: First upclose views of the lower Thunderbird cliffs
M.E. Sanseverino: Mike below T-bird cliffs
M.E. Sanseverino: Thunderbird cliffs - main central section
M.E. Sanseverino: Misty Thunderbird trail
M.E. Sanseverino: Iconic Shore Pine on Thunderbird
M.E. Sanseverino: Iconic Shore Pine on Thunderbird - B&W
M.E. Sanseverino: The top of Thunderbird
M.E. Sanseverino: Rachel below the signal Arbutus
M.E. Sanseverino: Mike and Rachel - selecting the route
M.E. Sanseverino: Scytinotus longinquus
M.E. Sanseverino: Scytinotus longinquus
M.E. Sanseverino: Rachel (Dave behind), John, and Mike - below East Rampart
M.E. Sanseverino: On East Rampart looking eastward - Thunderbird in cloud
M.E. Sanseverino: Thunderbird through the mist
M.E. Sanseverino: Hidden Falls on the Charters River
M.E. Sanseverino: Mike looking over the Hidden Falls
M.E. Sanseverino: Upper Hidden Falls