M.E. Sanseverino:
Three CBC Amigos
M.E. Sanseverino:
Three little Christmas Bird Counters
M.E. Sanseverino:
Wet and green
M.E. Sanseverino:
Coming up from the valley
M.E. Sanseverino:
Three little birdies
M.E. Sanseverino:
Scafe Hill scene
M.E. Sanseverino:
On the way to birds
M.E. Sanseverino:
Approaching Scafe Hill lookoff
M.E. Sanseverino:
Wet, wet, wet
M.E. Sanseverino:
Check it out
M.E. Sanseverino:
Christmas Bird Counters up high
M.E. Sanseverino:
Alan on Scafe Hill - Christmas Bird Counting
M.E. Sanseverino:
On Scafe Hill
M.E. Sanseverino:
M.E. Sanseverino:
Lunch al fresco!
M.E. Sanseverino:
Lunch stop
M.E. Sanseverino:
Bottom of Scafe Hill
M.E. Sanseverino:
Freshet - birding in the rain
M.E. Sanseverino:
Bruce emerges from the water
M.E. Sanseverino:
Christmas Bird Counters on the down low