M.E. Sanseverino: Arthur Wheeler: At the toe of the Athabasca Glacier, Jasper Park, 1917
M.E. Sanseverino: The Mountain Legacy Project: At the toe of the Athabasca Glacier, Jasper National Park, 2011
M.E. Sanseverino: Arthur Wheeler: On the ridge below Wilcox Peak looking at the Athabasca Glacier, Jasper Park, 1917
M.E. Sanseverino: The Mountain Legacy Project: On the ridge below Wilcox Peak looking at the Athabasca Glacier, Jasper National Park, 2011
M.E. Sanseverino: Jasper National Park: Athabasca glacier - 2011
M.E. Sanseverino: Athabasca glacier - 1917